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This is wonderful, truly love the look and feel of it!

Thanks! This one's gotten old though, a new one in on the way!.


How would i scale this to a higher resolution without breaking the ui?

In what resolution do you want it to be?

One resolution there is 1280x720 and the other is 1920x1080(HD).

I use Photoshop so I can tell you how to upscale in it, I have no idea about other graphic editors.


Well the ptoject im working on now is 3840x2160. Ive been trying to make a UI myself but i dont understand all the coding and stuff

I can make it for but it will take some time. I have many works going on. You have to upscale every image in the asset to your resolution. You can also watch any tutorial (on YouTube or Website) on how to upscale images depending on your graphics editor.

Or simply just wait I will make it for you as soon as possible.;)

Ha I will try to do it then since it seems simple enough, I don't want to rush you


Hey man, Thanks for this asset, is there a HD version that would help me greatly for my game?

Sorry for the late reply.

I haven't made it for the HD version yet but I have all my files so I will make one.

I will make as soon as I get time.

Thanks for the comment btw.^_^


Cool, Thanks a lot!


Added the Hd Version. ;)

(1 edit)

Hi, I need a few more stuff to be designed, can we collaborate and work something out? Sorry to reply here I could not find your email or discord. Can you ping me on discord TheCoder#8638
